
10:52 PM

Bulgarian symbol
Bulgaria is a former Eastern European countries colonized countries Turkey, adherents of communist ideology in the 1980s to change its foreign political systems to conduct bilateral and multilateral relations freely. Bulgarian state situated on the eastern Balkan Peninsula Black Sea, Eastern Europe. neighboring Romania to the north, Yugoslavia to the west, Greece and Turkey in the south. Country Bulgaria is one country with advanced industry and agriculture. Bulgarian society was a fan of the world's number one cigarette. In addition, as an audience film number seven in the world. The original name of this country is "Narodyna Republica". Capital is Sofia. The language used is the language of this country Bulgari (official), Turkey. This country's national anthem is "Bulgaria Meela Zemya Na Geroi". The currency of this country is Lewa. The big day this country falls on the 5th of October 1908 (Independence Day). This country never colonized by the Turks. Founding fathers of this country is Zhelyu Zhelev.
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