
9:57 PM
Lambang negara Timor-Leste
On Monday 20 May 2002, one of history formed promptly at 6:00, the UN will officially hand over the sovereignty of Timor - east, marks the 27th province rapublik unitary state of Indonesia. That way, the territory that had been considered by the United Nations as a non-self governing territory. For further accordance with the constitution is formed, the region will then be officially named Democratic republic of Timor Leste. Even so a day - the day the country is more commonly referred to as East Timor.

East Laste can be interpreted as Timor - East Timor means that the soil was sunrise. On 28 November 1975, Timor - East had proclaimed himself as an independent nation that lifts Francisco Amaral Xavierdo sebaga Timorese Democratic presidential republic. Independence lasted only nine days on the full support of the United States and Australia, on 7 December 1975, Indonesia decided unanimously to enter Timor - East through the operation lotus. And history of Timor - East etched with ink integration, which is done through a pledge "Balibo Declaration" on 30 November 1975.

Indonesia ratified the decision by the Act - Act No. 7 of 1976, dated July 17, 1976 and confirmed by MPR MPR Number VI/MPR/1978, dated 22 March 1978. Unfortunately, the UN General Assembly did not acknowledge the inaugural integration. In other words, the UN still considers Timor - East Timor at that time still called the Portuguese as non-self governing territory. Regardless, Timor - East later under the guidance of Indonesia. And it must be admitted, since 1975 up to 24 years later, Indonesia continues - going into the month - monthly world because of the case Timor - East.

Timor - East has become a black dot in Indonesia's diplomacy in international politics. The whole nation was surprised, when the day Wednesday, 27 January 1999, President BJ Habibie without compromise arrived - arrived to make decisions by giving the option of independence. 5 May 1999 through an agreement between Indonesia and Portugal under the auspices of the UN secretary general, in New York, a poll carried out. On 30 August 1999 Timor - East carry out the consultation, which was won unanimously by the pro-independence sympathizers. And Timor - East off of Indonesia, became an independent state.

Timor-Leste has the original name is, the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste. Its capital was in Dilli. The language used by the state are Tetum and Indonesian. Currency of this country is the U.S. Dollar. The big day this nation falls on May 20, 2002 (Independence Day). Founding fathers of this country is Xanana Gusmao.
Flag Timor - Leste

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