
5:50 PM
Belorussia state symbol

Belorussia or also commonly called "white russia" is included in the eastern Slavs. Hmmm ... This country is a major part of the former USSR states (the Union Soviet Socialist Republic). In medieval times, this country is part of Lithuania and Poland. The country is falling into the hands of the Soviet Union in 1922 although the western part of its territory remained under the control of polish. Then at the beginning of World War II, Belarus never captured by the Germans in 1941, but three years later was taken over again by Russia and make it as one of 15 state of the Soviet Union Socialist Republic (USSR), until the state union of communist disband on 31 December 1991. This country has a distinctive population structure, ie 60% of the total population residing in urban areas. It can be seen from its history, the country is often controlled by the surrounding nations. 've Also ruled by Lithuania for hundreds of years, later taken over by the Russian nation in 1795. The western half of Byelorussia was ever given to Poland as a result of the war between the Soviet-Polish at the end of World War I. The Soviet Union took back the territory in 1939 under an agreement Stalin and Hitler. Apparently this country has a long history of once ... *_*
This country has a real name Respublica Belarus. State capital is located in Minsk. The language used by this country is the Belorussian and Russian languages. Country's currency is Rouble. The big day this country falls on 27 July 1990 (Declaration of Independence). This country never colonized by the Soviet Union. Founding fathers of this country is Stanislau Shuchkevich.

Belorussia Flag

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