Graphic Design

1:05 AM
Graphic Design
Assalamualaikum, Hello how are you friend ... ?
This time I will discuss about the Graphic Design. This new lesson I can from my computer teacher at Madrasah Aliyah District 6 Jakarta.
By the way, graphic design was what? Ok. I'll explain.

Definition of Graphic Design is one form of art or images applied that gives freedom to the designer to select, create or manage such a way as elements of illustrations, photographs, writings, and the lines on a surface that aims to produce and communicated as a message.

Understanding of graphic design experts say:
  1. According to Suyanto: graphic design is defined as "the application of art and communication skills for business and industry needs." These applications may include advertising and product sales, creating a visual identity for the institution, products and companies, and environmental graphics, information design, and visually enhance the message in the publication. 
  2. According to Blanchard, graphic design is defined as a communicative art-related industries, art, and the process of producing a visual image on any surface.
Graphic design Categories:
  1. Printing .
  2. Web design .
  3. Film .
  4. Identification , EGD ( Environmental Graphic Design ) .
  5. Product design, packaging and the like.

6 Responses to "Graphic Design"

  1. Design as a noun informally refers to a plan or convention for the construction of an object or a system (as in architectural blueprints, engineering drawing, business process, circuit diagrams and sewing patterns) while "to design" (verb) refers to making this plan.

  2. Wow so great design.Thanks a lot for sharing with us. I'll visit your blog again.


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